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HCL Dam Refurbishment & WM Bridge Replacement Project Update


February 14, 2020

From the HCL President

In recent issues of the West Milford Messenger, there have been articles published about our community related to the Dam Refurbishment Project and the replacement of the township bridge over the spillway channel. Specifically, there were articles published this year on January 17, January 30 and February 7. These articles contain several misleading and incorrect statements.

As a member of the HCL Master Plan Committee, I have first-hand knowledge of these projects and have attended meetings with representatives of GZA Engineering, the W.M. Township Engineering Department and the State of NJ. I have double checked the related facts by speaking with an experienced member of the W.M. Town Council and with the W.M. Tax Department. I have also researched agendas and minutes of W.M. Township meetings as well as the Jan. 6 letter from the NJ DEP. The facts are as follows:

  • W.M. Township owns the roads at High Crest Lake including the bridge. The Township acknowledges that the bridge needs to be replaced, that it is a township responsibility and that the cost of the replacement will be borne by all W.M. Township taxpayers.
  • The NJ DEP, HCL Lodge and W.M. Township recognize the dam needs to be refurbished to meet the latest state standards.
  • The Jan. 6 letter from the NJ DEP is in reference to the dam, not the bridge and is based on the standards related to a Class 1 (high hazard) dam which is how the dam is currently classified
    • Class 1 dams, if breached, result in probable loss of life and/or significant property damage
    • NJ legislation requires that Class 1 dams handle Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) of 33 inches in 24 hours (based on HCL location)
    • The dam, as it exists today, is designed for a 100-year storm defined as 8.6 inches in 24 hours
  • A state dam repair loan in the amount of $575,000 was acquired by HCL Lodge to fund the Dam Refurbishment Project
  • Repayment of the state dam repair loan will be administered by the W.M. Tax Department
  • Repayment assessments for the state dam repair loan will be applied to all property owners in the HCL community, not just the members of HCL Lodge
  • The HCL Master Plan Committee is working on the possibility of acquiring an additional state dam repair loan in case additional funding is needed for the dam refurbishment
  • While the township bridge replacement and dam refurbishment projects are separate issues, coordination between the two is taking place to gain efficiencies, ensure design compatibility and minimize the time needed for road closures.
  • Time has been taken in the design process to minimize the impact on neighboring properties, minimize cost and provide the best aesthetic appearance while achieving the safety needed for state approvals.

The best source of information on these projects is to attend the HCL general membership meetings. Rich Kluge, our resident expert and point man on the projects, along with the Master Plan committee have been working diligently on these issues. Much has been accomplished but the project is complex and there is still much to be done. As has been done in past meetings, a comprehensive update will be presented at the upcoming April General Membership Meeting with an opportunity for Q&A.

Finally, I have heard there has been discussion within the community about the status of mandatory membership for High Crest Lake. At the end of 2019, after an extensive amount of work, the By-laws Committee submitted to the Board their recommendations for by-laws updates. At the first meeting of the new Board in January, it was agreed that all board members would read the current by-laws and the proposed changes in preparation for discussion at the February Board meeting. In the next few months the Board intends to make it a priority to become educated on mandatory membership issues and applicable state law so that appropriate actions can be taken. Updates will be communicated at the April General Membership Meeting.

See you at the April meeting.

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College Football National Championship @ The Lodge


Members and Off-Lake Guests, please join us at the lodge to watch the College Football National Championship. Clemson vs. LSU.

Monday January 13th, 8:00pm.

BYO drinks and food. We may do a pizza order if the crowd wants.

Hope to see you there.

Please call or email Bill Moore with any questions-

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Member accounts


Hope you are enjoying the new website! Wanted to inform everyone that a member’s only section is currently under construction and will require registration. When available, an email will be sent alerting members to register. The administrator button is solely to provide login access to web administrators and board members in order to edit the website. Please do not try to register or login with your previous username and password credentials.

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Please RSVP for Wing Night/Monday Night Football


Wing Night is Back!

Join us for our final Monday Night Football of the season-12/23/19 for wings, football and holiday cheer.

Wings from Jiggs and BYOB- only $10.00 per person.

Please RSVP and pre-pay Bill Moore or John Setford by Sunday evening so we can order the wings.

No last minute walk-ins please.

Packers vs. Vikings -Also included- Special holiday toasts, Cash Left-Right-Center games, possible pick-up poker games, etc.

call/ text to RSVP


Bill- 201-669-9655

Open to Lake members and their off lake guests. 

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Monday Night Football


Please join us tonight for Monday Night Football at the Lodge. Doors open at 8:00pm.

Colts vs. Saints.

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Beach Closed!


The beach is currently closed. Enjoy the winter season!